Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Come to a Romantic Christian Get Away in Scotland for Couples, Feb 18-21

Come to a Romantic Christian Get Away in Scotland for Couples, Feb 18-21 2014


Tour of a nearby castle and City of Glasgow

Christian Conference


Meals--including buffets


Book by Christian author Julia Carrington

Music including bagpipes

Romantic video entertainment based on romance novels by Christian author Julia Carrington


Price:  $5700 per per couple--husbands and wives only 

Call 1-506-383-9907 in Canada to register.  If calling outside of Canada or USA, call the operator for the code to call Canada

Payment must be made via Paypal by January 26, 2014.  Price is non-refundable so only book if you are sure you are going as we have to turn in funds to tour companies, the lodging and conference place, etc., which are non-refundable to us.

Check in time is between 12 and 4 on Feb 18 followed by an evening buffet with some music entertainment and gifts upon arrival.

Bring your coat and boots as it is winter there.  Bring an umbrella as well as the conference center is right across the street from the lodging.



Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christian Conference for Girls and Ladies in Scotland and Tour of Castle and City of Glasgow

Conference for Girls and Women in Scotland and a Tour of some sites in Scotland

Dates: Feb. 10-15 2014

$4760 per person and lower   Must book and pay  by January 15, 2014. Payment is non-refundable as it has to be turned into the conference area immediately. 

Call for details in Canada at 1-506-383-9907 and payment options.

If calling outside the USA and Canada call your operator for the code to call Canada.

Conference held at Gartmore House, Gartmore, Scotland--a large mansion.

Conference includes conference video presentations, Bible readings, poetry, journals for notes, book by Christian author Julia Carrington, music entertainment, music--including bagpipes and Christian hymns, romantic video entertainment based on Christian romance novels by Julia Carrington, a walking tour if weather permits, and two bus tours--one of a nearby castle and one of Glasgow, meals, and lodging, gifts and prizes. 

The nearest airport is Glasgow. The taxi fare from the airport to Glasgow and back to the airport is your responsibility.

We are not responsible for any medical bills or hospital bills if you take ill on your trip so make sure you have travel insurance.

You are personally financially responsible for any damage caused at the mansion and its territory.

Extra info? Are you tired of negative people who put you down, who have betrayed you and who down your worth or who have even abused you?  Then this conference is for you as you find your worth and value in God and His love.  Or to just be refreshed in the Lord even if you have not gone through a lot in life.

Bring your Bible. 

Check in times are between 12 to 4 pm. on Feb. 10.  If you get in a little later, that is fine.

Discounts for groups.